Verder have provided odour control solutions for large water treatment sites. verder can also provide smaller scale and specialist systems for all types of odour control applications such as those at

Verder provide solutions for the treatment side onwards such as the scrubbing unit and the dosing solution. 


Verder can provide odour control solutions for waste water treatment sites, anaerobic digestion plants and many types of commercial premises such as food manufacturing.

At the heart of the solution is the chemical dosing operation, delivering a range of chemicals to neutralise odours. As the odours are absorbed through the fluid, the dosing provides a reactive element to the water - increasing both the absorption and neutralising odours.

Thanks to their experience and knowledge of the project team in dosing of abrasive lime chemical, caustic and hypo, Verder can provide both the pumps, system assembly and installation services for a reliable and effective odour control solution.

Verder can supply either a complete system or individual elements